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Kathie Foley-Meyer began her creative life as a writer, but eventually words became inadequate to describe the images that formed in my head and kept pushing to come out, much like the narratives that pestered her until she wrote them down. She began to look for materials that would bring them to life beyond the printed page, and found that transparency, visibility and memory were recurrent themes. 




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” In Pursuit e of Beauty” 実行委員会事務局

アートイマジンギャラリー 代表:吉田 史崇


東京都国立市東 1-15-33 ヒロセビル 5F

TEL&FAX 042-595-9612

This site is the planning center of the interchange exhibition held in 2017

Copyright(c) 2016 " In Pursuit of Beauty". All Rights Reserved.

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