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山口 功

ヤマグチ イサオ


◇ アーティスト・ステイトメント










◇ 学歴

2008.4-2012.3 東京芸術大学 大学院 博士課程 油画

2009.4-2010.3 グリフィス大学 (交換留学)

2006.4-2008.3 東京芸術大学 大学院 修士課程 油画

2002.4-2006.3 東京芸術大学 油画


◇ 主な個展

2016.12 「うずまき伝声管」山口井筒屋 美術ギャラリー・山口県山口市

2015.8 「箱と殻の時代-山口功増殖作品展」ギャラリーナカノ・山口県山口市

2013.4 「殻から伸びる伝声管」アートイマジンギャラリー・東京都国立市

2012.4 「要塞ぐらしの日々淡々」MUSEE F・東京都渋谷区

2011.10 「架空の臓器・機械式の繭」ヴァリエテ本六・東京都文京区

2011.1 「夢のような現実感-山口功増殖作品展」アートイマジンギャラリー・東京都国立市

2009.9 「INFORMATION ANGEL」The College Gallery-QCA・オーストラリア、ブリスベン

2009.3-4 「情報天使の地図」GALLERY BAR & CAFF NORAYA・東京都杉並区

2008.9-10 「方舟とドック-山口功増殖作品展」 アートイマジンギャラリー・東京都国立市


◇ 受賞歴

2016.1-2 「第8回やまぐち新進 アーティスト大賞 最終選考ノミネート作品展」 クリエイティブ・スペース


2015.9-10 「第69回山口県美術展覧会」山口県立美術館・山口県山口市(佳作賞)

2014-10 「第68回山口県美術展覧会」山口県立美術館・山口県山口市(佳作賞)

Artist File Top

◇ Artist Statement   


I make symbolic works whose theme is contemporary society. I am going to explain my theme, then symbolism, in this artist’s statement. I am sure people living in contemporary society have two new senses. One of them is Disjointing of human body and mind. Contemporary technology can replace human organs if it is necessary. It is possible to transplant organs, even hearts. Additionally, some artificial organs have been developed. There is also cosmetic surgery. We can change our appearances. Furthermore, neuroscience has tried to make clear how the brain works, and define the mind. We often think humans are comprised of parts like robots. We are disjointed.

   The other sense is connection for Internet. Most people have cell phones today. Many models, which were released after 2009, can access the Internet. We do not use cell phones just for calling but also we use e-mail and access the web. We also can do it whenever, wherever and personally. If you do not use a cell phone or the Internet, you find it difficult to live in contemporary society. Cell phones have become to look like sixth sense for people.

   However people do not become aware of these things. I believe I would like to express this phenomenon.

   I express these themes in symbolic ways. I am sure that symbolism has useful effects to express such a theme. The effects make works clear, acceptable and humorous. The theme is sometimes very serious for us to be concerned about. However, if the theme is symbolized it can be accepted more easily, and it is clearer. We can realize what the features of contemporary society are from symbolic works.

   I would like to make something that concerns people in contemporary society, and accept it lustily. I am sure we need to apply many new technologies with deliberation. I am happy if my works make people do so.


◇ Education

2008.4-2012.3 Tokyo University of the Arts Art Department Oil Painting, Major Oil Painting [Ph.D Program]

2009.4-2010.3 PhD Fine Arts (exchange program) Queensland College of Art Griffith University

2006.4-2008.3 Tokyo University of the Arts Art Department Oil Painting, Major Oil Painting [Muster Program]

2002.4-2006.3 Tokyo University of the Arts Art Department Oil Painting, Major Oil Painting


◇ Solo Exhibition

2016.12  [The Spiral Speaking Tube – Yamaguchi Isao solo exhibition] YAMAGUCHI IZUTSUYA ART Gallery / Yamaguchi-ken Japan

2015.8  [An Era of Boxes and Shells - Yamaguchi Isao solo exhibition] Gallery Nakano / Yamaguchi-ken Japan

2013.4  [Speaking Tubes Growing from Shells] Art Imagine Gallery / Tokyo Japan

2012.4  [Daily Life in a Fortress] MUSEE F / Tokyo Japan

2011.10  [Imaginary Organs and Mechanical Cocoons - Yamaguchi Isao solo exhibition] Variete Honroku / Tokyo Japan

2011.1  [Sense of Reality like Dream - Yamaguchi Isao solo exhibition] Art Imagine Gallery / Tokyo Japan

2009.9  [INFORMATION ANGEL] The College Gallery - QLD / Australia

2009.3-4  [INFORMATION ANGEL’S MAP] (Zengo series) café NORAYA / Tokyo Japan

2008.9-10  [The Ark and the Dock] Art Imagine Gallery / Tokyo Japan


◇ Award

2016.1-2  [8th Yamaguchi Art Award for Rising Artist] Creative Space AKARENGA / Yamaguchi-ken Japan (Grand Prize)

2015.9-10  [69th Yamaguchi Art Award Exhibition] Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Museum / Yamaguchi-ken Japan (Fine Work)

2014-10  [68th Yamaguchi Art Award Exhibition] Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Museum / Yamaguchi-ken Japan (Fine Work)


2012.3_.村_Village_2 のコピー
2009.5_躁鬱ダイヤル_Emotional Controller_3 のコピー
2015.12_接続装置 [A]_530×530mm のコピー
2013.09_架空の臓器B_300×190×90mm のコピー
2015.12_中央シェル_320×360×800mm_山口功 のコピー
2016.08_循環中枢 [側面]_910×1167mm のコピー
プロフィール用写真 のコピー
2016.07_循環中枢 [正面]_1167×910mm のコピー
2016.06_伸縮自在 [A]_606×500mm のコピー
2016.09_隙間から煙突 [赤]_227x227mm のコピー

” In Pursuit e of Beauty” 実行委員会事務局

アートイマジンギャラリー 代表:吉田 史崇


東京都国立市東 1-15-33 ヒロセビル 5F

TEL&FAX 042-595-9612

This site is the planning center of the interchange exhibition held in 2017

Copyright(c) 2016 " In Pursuit of Beauty". All Rights Reserved.

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